Andrew Goodwin's Theory on Music Videos

Theorist Andrew Goodwin believed music videos can interpret/use meanings created in the song lyrics via the below:

Illustration- the promo basically illustrates the ideas/narrative in the song lyrics

 Amplification- uses a key idea/image from the lyrics and develops it into a concept within the promo. A link remains between the lyric and the promo

Disjuncture- the promo bears no resemblance to the lyric or meaning- abstract. can create new meaning to the song

Goodwin states there is 5 different convention

1) There is a relationship between the lyrics and visuals, this illustrate, contradict or amplify the lyrics.
This convention shows how Goodwin noticed that music video's visuals had similar or direct contrast to the song. This would include themes of the song, the mise-en-scene and events.

2) There is a relationship between the music and the visuals, this is shown through the sound and the visuals linking together, which contradict, illustrate or amplify the lyrics

Goodwin Identified that visuals in a music video are in sync  with the beat and rhythm of the song and matches the lyrics and cuts.

3) Genre characteristics of a music video
Goodwin identified that certain genres have certain features In their music videos. Also majority of artists always have similar characteristics in their music videos, this makes the artist for recognisable as it shows their 'trademark'.

4) Close-ups of the band or artist, to promote band image demanded by record labels
Goodwin noticed that many well known artist include close ups in their music videos to promote record labels to promote singles. Usually female artists are shown to be provocative and portrayed in a sexualise way.

5) How the artist portrays themselves in the music video
Usually female artists are shown to be provocative and portrayed in a sexualise way,this is often used to attract a male audience, so that the video appeals to men. With artists looking at camera when signing it means that the audience feel like they are in the music video.


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