Artic Monkeys Band Image analysis
Arctic Monkeys Band Image Analysis
Album: Suck It and See
The Arctic Monkeys appear to be fond of monotone images, as can be seen in many promotional band images, their logo, and on their website. The logo appears on the cover of the album, the cover itself is plain – consisting of the logo, album name in small black text and an off-white background. The colour connotes ideas of an old band aesthetic, a classic band from before the emergence of colour photography.
The Arctic Monkeys use a plain sans-serif font for the album, which connotes to the rather basic and simplistic design of the album’s image as a whole.
This poster demonstrates the style of the band at the time. They block-like text, both on the side and that which reveals the underlying image, is reminiscent of an old newspaper, which reflects the ‘vintage’ feel that the album is aiming for and successfully portraying.
Music video – Brick by Brick
The video departs from many stereotypes and common aspects of music videos. The performers and any people at all are barely present, with the most we see of them being silhouettes and blurry images when the camera is tossed briefly into the air. The setting of a gramophone in an old-style playing a vinyl record, again, links to the idea of ‘vintage music’, a key theme of the album.
The video is heavily conceptual in terms of visual, then, which implies that the band focuses more on the abstract and conceptual aspects of their songs rather than the narratives or the band members themselves.
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