Focus group analysis

For our focus group we gathered various different types of people to answer some questions and from this we can analyse we should focus on for our song.

 Question 1:
What would you rate the song out of 10?/Why?

overall from the answers everyone liked the song except for John who was the only boy we interviewed. We felt the song was targeted at girls as both Geri and Katy liked the song. However, all 3 of them felt the song was a bit competitive therefore planning forward we could cut some of the song of the end as the song is nearly 5 minutes long which is quite long for a song therefore we can cut it to about 3.30 minutes which is more realistic.

Question 2:

What do you think the genre of the music is?

In conclusion, all the answers we got were all similar therefore our song is easily fitting in the indie pop genre. Therefore, from this we can easily make conventions between the genre and our song.

Question 3:

Did you like the song?/ Why?

From this question we got a variety of answers, overall we got the idea of the song being very calming. We got answers of that  the song was soothing as well as having a good structure, however they song was a bit too long.

Question 4:

What do you think the songs about? Why?

We decided to use this question top help us to get an idea of what others think the song is about to link ideas together to create ideas. Overall, the answers that we received were all linked to being in a relationship and breaking up. We already had this idea in mind therefore we feel like other people will be able to relate to the song and they understand its deeper meaning.

Question 5:

What do you envision the music video including?

We linked this question back to question 4 to get more ideas in what to include in our music video. We got a mix of answers to this question meaning that as a group we have to make a decision in what too include in our video. We have helped this by looking at similar music videos to help us. The answers we got concluded of using lots of nature, showing flashbacks between the present and the past of the relationship and also the band performance and a storyline. As a group we like the idea of using flashbacks of the past and present as we think this will be effective for our song. 

Question 6:

What do you think would suit the song; Disjuncture, amplification or illustration?

From the answers we got 2/3 people decided to go with disjuncture and the other person went with amplification. Disjuncture is where the music video doesn't have anything to do or linked with the song. An example of this can't stop by the  Red Hot Chili Peppers.


What themes emerge when listening to this track?

This question links to question 4 and question 5. All our answers from the questionnaire were all the same. The theme concluded of love and romance from this we can use connotation that are linked to love such as red and link this to our music video. 

Question 8:

How much narrative and performance ratio would you like in this track?

Our original idea was to use 6:4 narrative to performance because this is a big convention for music video as an audience likes seeing the performance because it make you engage with the artist. The narrative is mainly used as it keeps the audience intrigued with what they are watching. From our focus group everyone agreed that we should have both narrative and performance. Geri stated that we should use 6:4 narrative without knowing this was our original idea so it helped back up our inspirational ideas

Question 9:
Can you imagine performance and/or lip syncing?
We asked this question as we wanted to see what people preferred with our song being a solo artist. All participates said they would liked to see both performance and lip sync. Geri said that lip syncing would really suit our music video. So we took this idea and have applied it to our music video.

Question 10:
Do  you think that the narrative of an abusive relationship would suit the imagery for the song?
Everyone agreed yes to this answer however, they all agreed that too much of an abusive relationship wouldn't suit the song. From this we decided to show happy and sad times of a relationship with using flashbacks and performance


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