Audience Feedback- Final Magazine Advert

Audience Feedback - Final Magazine Advert
Nathan Green - "It looks so much better now that the release date is smaller. The size of it is right as well because it's not bigger than the album name or your name, but it's still visible"

Elizabeth Potts - "It looks so much more professional now that there are social media icons, the album name and song names look great"

Jamie Cross - "I like that you've changed the main image to match the new colour scheme"

I feel that the new magazine cover is a massive improvement from the first rough edit and I am glad that I decided to change the colour scheme. In the first rough edit the colours did not match so it did not look very professional.
What I learnt from this first edit is that the main image should not be as big as it is, the album name should be included so that the audience is aware of what is being advertised


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